Drug Properties

GM6 exhibits good drug-like properties

Estimated brain-to-blood ratio (log k BB) and the stead-state volume of distribution (log Vdss) of marketed drugs that enter into the CNS:

Drug Properties.png

The physicochemical properties of GM6 were measured using biomimetic HPLC membrane and protein binding.

GM6 exhibits good drug-like properties and is predicted to have good brain to  plasma ratio (Valko ADMET & DMPK 6(2) (2018) 71-73, 176-189).

GM6 has been predicted to have very strong tissue partition (log Vdss 0.89) and has a good brain-to-plasma ratio (1.65, lock BB 0.22).

As shown in the chart above, GM6 is well-positioned in the middle of the marketed drugs that enter in to the CNS based on the plot of the estimated brain-to-blood ratio (logk BB) and steady-state volume of distribution (log Vdss).